Week 6: Case Study Group: FEP-KLTSA Business Challenge
Week 6 Introduction Effectuation is a form of thinking that utilizes how to make decisions based on the ideas from entrepreneurs to achieve a result by making opportunities and improvise the current state of their organization with resources available while taking risks regardless of the potential of facing losses (Sarasvathy, 2001). Instead of detailed planning, they experiment on what works and what not for the company. This often occurs at startups, since their main goal is to achieve a certain target no matter the outcome. This method will pose a challenge to those who are used to the traditional approach. The difference between effectuation and causation is that effectuation uses whatever resources that are available, invest in a small amount of capital in each phase to the point where they are willing to face the losses while minimizing risks. Whilst causation begins with an objective by obtaining necessary resources to achieve a predefined ...