
Showing posts from May, 2024

Week 4: Case Study Group: FEP-KLTSA Business Challenge

Week 4 Good concept and tools for risk management; ways to manage risk as an entrepreneur in current digital world I ntroduction of risk management and example of good concepts      The process of recognizing, evaluating, and mitigating risks to an organization's assets, profits, and operations is known as risk management. Competing in any industry involves some sorts of risks, these can be financial, legal, digital or any other issues companies face in today's world. The risks that moderating organizations face have grown more complex as globalization has increased. One of the most well-known instances is SpaceX, which was on the verge of bankruptcy but is now valued at over $100 billion as a result of their excellent risk management. The reason behind risk management is not avoiding risks, but it is to know which risk is with taking and what will get you closer to your goals. Executives in many businesses monitor their risk management initiatives and work to maintain th...

Week 3: Case Study Group: FEP-KLTSA Business Challenge

Week 3 Adapting to Society 5.0 and Developing Essential Entrepreneurial Skills ( Securing Society 5.0 - Marin Ivezic , n.d.) Introduction to what is Society 5.0      Globalization and the quick development of digital technologies, such robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), define the modern era we are currently going through. The environment and people's values are becoming more varied and complicated as a result of these advancements, which have significantly impacted society. According to the present or past Society 4.0, which concentrates on an information society that uses information networks for information analysis by humans at most of the times.      The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the main objective of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was endorsed by the United Nation in  2015 (Fukuyama, 2018). The Japanese government's envisioned Society 5.0 is an embodiment of this concept....

Week 2: Case Study Group: FEP-KLTSA Business Challenge

Week 2 The Need for Autonomous Legged Robots in Hazardous Environments (Incredible Four Legged Robots Spotmini Laikago ANYmal and Aliengo ..., n.d.) Introduction            We are keen to highlight the necessity of autonomous-legged robots in dangerous areas as innovators dedicated to using technology for practical solutions.          Legged robots, to put it simply, are robots that move around on their legs. The world is changing so quickly, and technology is advancing so quickly that we are becoming more and more dependent on autonomous legged robots to help us navigate complex terrain, stay safe in dangerous situations, and complete important tasks that are either too difficult or impossible for humans to complete.            Model-based control and learning-based control are the two main control strategies used for the control of leg robots. Through the use of these advanced technique...